Monday, December 30, 2019

Bipolar Disorder And Mental Health - 755 Words

Bipolar disorder has become more prevalent in the United States, particularly Bipolar Disorder II, which accounts for 30-50% of patients with depression (Thomas Hersen, 2002). Historically bipolar was known as manic depression (Thomas Hersen, 2002). According to National Institute of Mental Health (n. d.) â€Å"Most scientists agree that there is no single cause, rather many factors that act together to produce the illness or increase the risk† (NIMH, n. d.) Some of those factors can be family, workplace, and environmental stressors along with some precipitants such as: history of past suicide, medical issues, interpersonal conflicts, disputes, job related failure (Thomas Hersen, 2002). On the other hand, DSM IV categorizes bipolar according to severity, duration, and quality of presenting manic symptoms (Thomas Hersen, 2002). Its believed that the onset of Bipolar diagnosis is mid 20’s (NIMH, n. d.). There are 4 types of bipolar disorders, the first is Bipolar 1, which is distinguished by a manic episode which usually leads a person to be hospitalized or abnormal behavior for about 1 week, along with 5 out of 8 symptoms of depression (Thomas Hersen, 2002). Manic episode can also be abnormal behavior, displayed anywhere including workplace, such as: irritability, racing thoughts/flight of ideas, poor concentration, confusion, loud, argumentative, euphoria, and thoughts of grandiosity (Thomas Hersen, 2002). Bipolar II displays milder symptoms of mania and brieferShow MoreRelatedBipolar Disorder And Mental Health934 Words   |  4 Pages Bipolar Disorder is otherwise known as manic-depressive illness. It is a brain disorder that causes shifts in moods, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out daily tasks. (Cite) These changes in behavior are outside of the norm as most people have ups and downs throughout their daily routines. But those with Bipolar Disorder experience shifts in mood that can be damaging to relationships, as well as their overall school and work performances. (Cite) I chose this disorder as the topicRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Health1691 Words   |  7 PagesAccording to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 5 million individuals over the age of 18 are affected by bipolar disorder. Bipolar disorder is an illness that occurs with the brain and causes abnormal shifts in mood and energy. An individual with bipolar disorder will experience many ups and downs. These ups and downs are way different from the ups and downs an individual without the disorder will experience. B ipolar disorder is a lifelong condition and if not noticed, or treated properlyRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Health910 Words   |  4 Pagespercent of American’s suffer with bipolar disorder but, unless you know someone who has the disorder or have it yourself you probably cannot define the disorder. Bipolar disorder is defined as a brain disorder that causes unusual shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and the ability to carry out daily tasks by the National Institute of Mental Health. Or that is what the current definition for bipolar disorder is. Alan C. Swann in his article What is Bipolar Disorder says that we are far from a rigorousRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Health Essay851 Words   |  4 Pagesexperience a mood disorder known as Bipolar Disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health about one percent of the American population have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Living with a person that has been diagnosed with bipolar diso rder is very difficult, especially not knowing anything about bipolar. There are many questions to be asked. Such as what is the disorder? Is bipolar disorder heredity? How is the disorder treated? First of all, Bipolar Disorder, also known as manic-depressiveRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Health855 Words   |  4 Pagesexperience a mood disorder known as Bipolar Disorder. According to the National Institute of Mental Health about one percent of the American population has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. Living with a person that has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder is very difficult, especially not knowing anything about bipolar. There are many questions to be asked. Such as what is the disorder? Is bipolar disorder heredity? How is the disorder treated? First of all, Bipolar Disorder, also known as manic-depressiveRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Health1840 Words   |  8 PagesInstitute of Mental Health (2015), bipolar disorder is a brain disorder that may cause random shifts in mood, energy, activity levels, and their ability to perform everyday tasks. There are different types of bipolar episodes; the high, euphoric episodes are known as mania, and the low, miserable episodes are known as depression. The median age, of those who are affected by this illness, is 25 years old. Although, it can start in early childhood, or as late as 50 years old. This mental illness doesRead MoreBipolar Disorder And Mental Health Issue1619 Words   |  7 Pages The word â€Å"bipolar† is commonly tossed around in our daily vocabulary to simply describe a person who is overly moody and easily irritated. However, the implications of the mental health issue, that is bipolar disorder, is much more complex than is implied. Bipolar disorder was first discovered in 1851 by French psychiatrist Jean-Pierre Falret who described the condition as â€Å"la folie circulaire† which literally translates to circular insanity (SeddlerRead MoreBipolar Disorder : Mental Health Condition981 Words   |  4 PagesBipolar disorder, or manic-depressive disorder, is a disorder characterized by extreme mood changes. An individual who suffers from this disorder can have extreme highs or extreme lows. They could go from being overly energetic and outgoing to feeling empty, depressed, angry and just completely worthless on a daily, weekly, monthly and or even yearly basis. Diagnosis, dramatic changes in one’s life, and even treatment can have a ser ious effect on an individual that is suffering from Bipolar disorderRead MoreBipolar Disorder : Mental Health Diagnosis797 Words   |  4 PagesBipolar disorder is a mental health diagnosis when a person can experience extremely different moods. It also can affect the brain during the progression of the illness. A person with this diagnosis usually experiences mood changes of extremely high moods/ manic or extremely low moods which look like depression. There are two different types of Bipolar disorders. The first is Bipolar I which is when a person’s mood can go to severe mania or severe depression. The second type is Bipolar II whichRead MoreDepression And Bipolar Disorder : The National Institute Of Mental Health Essay1358 Words   |  6 PagesDepression and Bipolar Disorder Whitney Keeton Mr. John Davis Jr., MFA, M. Ed. English Composition 1 - ENC 1101 Monday, Tuesday, and Thursday 6-10 PM Keiser University â€Æ' Depression and Bipolar Disorder The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) has stated that depression is a common but serious mood disorder. Depression is also a form of mental illness; that have many different types. Some of the types of depression are as follows: †¢ Persistent depressive disorder †¢ Perinatal depression †¢ Psychotic

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Same Sex Marriages Effect On Society - 1685 Words

Abstract Objective: This report discusses same-sex marriages effect on society. Informative Research: On June 25, 2015 the United States Supreme Court ruled the constitutional right to gay marriage. The ruling made the United States the 20th country in the world to approve gay marriage. The first country to make the legalization was the Netherlands in 2001. Massachusetts paved way for allowing gay marriage in the United States in 2004 and was followed thereafter by all but 13 states by February of 2015. Canada is another country allowing gay marriage. Canada made the decision on July 20, 2005. Many Canadian leaders support gay marriage over civil unions. Results: As a result of gay marriage, different parts of society took different viewpoints. Conservatives disagree with the decision while liberals agree. The effect on society however is viewed by the acceptance, adolescents transitioning, and political issues. Conclusions: By further understanding gay marriage and how aspects of society react to it, members of society and society itself reap the benefit of gay marriage. Key words: Gay marriage, same-sex marriage, supreme court, society, acceptance, adolescents Word count: 182 Table of Contents Society And Same-Sex Marriage Introduction Significance On June 25, 2015 the United States (US) Supreme Court (SC) ruled the constitutional right to same-sex marriage (SSM) in a 5-4 decision. The decision affected the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) communityShow MoreRelatedSame Sex Marriage Has A Positive Effect On Society Essay1482 Words   |  6 PagesSame-sex unions have existed in various forms throughout history. These have ranged from informal and unsanctioned to highly ritualized unions, which included marriage, in places such as Greece, Egypt, and Mesopotamia. In recent years, there has been a push in first world countries to acknowledge and legally accept gay unions and allow them the option of marriage. The modern LGBT+ rights movement started with the Stonewall riots in 1969. The goal was originally just acknowledgement and social acceptanceRead MoreGay Marriage Essay1744 Words   |  7 Pages 02/02/2012 Legalizing same-sex marriage has been a debate going on for quite some time. The recognition of such marriages is a civil rights, political, social, moral, and religious issue in many nations. Since 2001, ten countries have begun allowing same-sex couples to marry nationwide. In the United States the federal government does not recognize same-sex marriage, but such marriages are recognized by some individual states. Proposition 8 in NovemberRead MoreThe Legalization Of Gay Marriage1749 Words   |  7 PagesThe Legalization of Gay Marriage: A Step to Equality Imagine a world where heterosexuals are the minority. Straight people would be the ones fighting for the same rights as homosexuals. Same-sex marriages would be average and normal, while straight marriages would be frowned upon and considered unholy in the eyes of religion. Heterosexuals would be denied service at restaurants because of their sexuality, they would be called derogatory names while holding their partner’s hand and most importantlyRead MoreThe Laws Of Our Society980 Words   |  4 Pages The laws of our society at its best do not depict equality to every substantial entity that graces the land of the United States of America. The turmoil that is documented and/or reported that flourish our different media outlets, struggles in people day to day lives, or the great strain against indivisibility or a simple liberty or justice for all. Everyone will not always agree if ever. Some may choose to be belligerent with their voice—where others may bid for peace. Perhaps is it greener onRead MoreShould Marriage for Same Sex Couples be Legal in United States?1220 Words   |  5 PagesMarriage as generally define is the union between one man and one woman. However a recent debate over same-sex marriage has stirred a nationwide debate reverberating in the halls of Congress, at the White House, in dozens of state courtrooms and legislatures, and is also becoming a speech-making topic for election campaigns at both the national and state levels. As the debate for this contr oversial topic rages on, the American religious community view on the topic remains deeply divided over theRead MoreThe Legalization Of Gay Marriage1411 Words   |  6 Pagesgay marriages is one of the most controversial issues throughout particularly in modern life. This paper, based on secondary research, arguing for legalizing same-sex marriage through specific analysis of its positive influences. In particular, there are two main benefits regarding society as well as economy. The finds of the research indicate that gays or lesbians are completely an important part of society. Therefore, they must have the rights to live and marry legally as other opposite-sex couplesRead MoreThe Debate Over Same Sex Marriage1682 Words   |  7 PagesThe largely debated topic of same-sex relationships have been on the forefront of all U.S. citizen’s minds, including and more specifically of those in the branches of legislature. More states today have begun passing laws that accept and re cognize marriage for this population. This minority group, in some opinions, has been at a disadvantage when it comes to marriage equality. Previous studies have explored this great debate in the United States beginning in the 1970s. The Minnesota Post publishedRead MoreSame Sex Marriage1185 Words   |  5 PagesMarriage is a coming together for better or for worse, hopefully enduring, and intimate to the degree of being sacred. It is an association that promotes a way of life, not causes; a harmony in living, not political faiths; a bilateral loyalty, not commercial or social projects.† (U.S. Supreme Court). Marriage has been defined as a religious legal commitment between a man and woman, as well as an expression of love. Homosexuals have not been allowed to partake in these commitments and the risingRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal Essay1348 Words   |  6 PagesMarriage is a commitment between two people who love each other and have chosen to spend the rest o f their lives together, this is a pretty standard view of marriage. How that commitment looks from culture to culture can be very different. In the United States, today, marriage is viewed as a commitment of love and loyalty. Legally it is a binding contract between two people giving them the benefits of marriage i.e. tax benefits and legal decision making benefits. The big controversy facing theRead MoreSame Sex Marriage Should Be Legal1182 Words   |  5 PagesProfessor Margot Bowlby 22 February 2017 Same Sex Marriage Our society today is greatly influenced through controversial issues over same-sex marriage in America, leaving many stumped and concerned about the ongoing conflict. For some time now, it has been an expanding problem to legalize same sex marriage. A vast majority of the population believe that marriage should be between two genders due to it’s being biblical. The opposition upon same-sex marriage has led to the misconception of civil rights

Saturday, December 14, 2019

True Crime Documentaries and Tv Shows Free Essays

True crime documentaries and TV shows have grown in popular culture, but are more than entertainment; they have inspired the pursuit of many different careers. Television and movies are a major part of our everyday lives. Many of these movies and tv shows are influenced by real life situations giving them a natural and major influence on our behavior. We will write a custom essay sample on True Crime Documentaries and Tv Shows or any similar topic only for you Order Now There has always been study as to whether violence in movies and tv shows causes violent behavior in the younger generation. This has been shown by individuals in some U. S. chools violently imitating things they have seen in movies and shows. Research will also show that this violent behavior amongst the younger generation is increasing because of the influence of tv. The reason that television shows and movies influence us is that we try to associate with what we see. We try to find similarities between the characters and ourselves. Much of what we learn and associate with comes from documentaries. Some of the more popular documentaries are true crime mysteries. Along with these are documentaries about gang life and drugs. For the most part, these shows are meant to be educational in the matter of safety and the hope of teaching the population to make better decisions. Many tv shows such as CSI, Law and Order, Bones, and some others are meant for entertainment purposes. They are fictional dramas that may be based on true events. These true crime dramas have caused many different reactions. For some they are just entertainment and they do not associate anything from the episodes into their daily lives, but for many others, this is not the case. There is now something called the â€Å"CSI effect† where the exaggerated portrayal of forensic science on crime dramas actually influences public perception. Jurors are demanding more forensic evidence in criminal trials which actually raises the standard of proof for prosecutors. This turns into a â€Å"snowball† effect because as prosecutors demand more forensic evidence, so do the police in their investigations. The workload for crime laboratories has increased immensely and the number of forensic science programs in universities has greatly increased. The popularity of true life law enforcement shows such as Cops, DEA, Most Wanted, U. S. Marshals, and some others have also grown. Not only are these shows becoming more popular on an entertainment level, but they are also becoming recruitment tools. Many people have made the decision to join the Border Patrol solely on what they have learned from watching the popular series on tv. True crime documentaries and TV shows have grown in popular culture, but are more than entertainment; they have inspired the pursuit of many different careers. How to cite True Crime Documentaries and Tv Shows, Papers

Friday, December 6, 2019

Organization Can Interact With the Clients-Myassignmenthelp.Com

Question: Organization Can Interact With the How Clients? Answer: Introducation: The organizations can offer multichannel support through which the clients can interact. Further, the organizations can listen to the online clients on social media as the complaints can be resolved. The clients can engage with the organizations in the support centre. The organizations can respond to the emails. Also, the organization can offer online chat options where the executives can resolve the queries or complaints of the customers on a real time basis (Poggi et al. 2012). Understanding needs of online client needs and securing sales The needs of online clients can be assessed by gathering responses from the participants. Surveys and questionnaires can be administered where the attributes and characteristics of the respondents can be assessed. Further, the clicks and the time spent on a website must be assessed so that the organizations can assess the interests of consumers. Also, the metric such as social media metrics, engagement level and other metrics can help in understanding the need of clients. The products can be promoted and targeted by enhancing Google search results as it is the most used search engine of the customers (Xu and Sundar 2014). Notion of customer service changing over time The customer service scenario is changing overtime. The rise of self-service has risen where the customers can resolve their problems on their own. In this age, as everyone has smartphones in their pockets, the customer service is available 24/7 where consumers can receive support at any time they want. Also, the customer service is available on weekends so that the customers feel someone is ready to hear their grievances at any time. Also, the social media makes the people feel more empowered. With mobile changing the lives, it connects brand and information thereby making the customer experience mobile-friendly (Xu and Sundar 2014). References Poggi, N., Carrera, D., Gavald, R., Ayguad, E. and Torres, J., 2012. A methodology for the evaluation of high response time on E-commerce users and sales.Information Systems Frontiers, 16(5), pp.867-885. Xu, Q. and Sundar, S., 2014. Lights, Camera, Music, Interaction! Interactive Persuasion in E-commerce.Communication Research, 41(2), pp.282-308.

Friday, November 29, 2019

BMW showroom Essay Example

BMW showroom Essay As Co-op sells many different products from groceries to toiletries it could be a reason to why they are a co-operative company. As Co-op main objective is to help communities from selling products at relatively low price compared to other retail outlets in other nearby areas like the city-centre. Marketing strategy mainly done through feedback from customers on many different questions. It may be how well their shop is set out, product prices, customer services and also any ides for future developments. They may also gain feedback from their own staff to see if the managers have any good ideas or if they have any complaints on the way the shop is run. Again this is a key activity, as even any business would rely on sales and good marketing strategy to raise profits. This is a very important and key element for business success and to escape bankruptcy. CUSTOMER SERVICES The activities of the co-operative group range from food to finance and provide buying, marketing, distribution and services to other co-operative societies. At all Co-op stores they have a section for customer service point to help prevent angry customers or return any UN-wanted goods. They also have other ways to increase their revenue by offering home insurance, guarantee on much merchandise and the Internet banking system. We will write a custom essay sample on BMW showroom specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on BMW showroom specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on BMW showroom specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer FINANCE This may include wages of employees, waste, profit and even loses. It is very important for a business to regularly check all their financial information to see how well they are performing and to see if they financially stable. The Co-op waste will be controlled to how, much they lose in the business. The profit and loss is looked at on a daily basis outlook-involving supervisor to see how well the department is doing and to think of new ideas to increase profits. There could be an incident which a wine department is not to subsidised productivity levels because of too much staff so the supervisor would look into that try sort out the problem even if it means to make workers redundant. TRANSPORT Distribution and home delivery are too of the most common activities involved with Co-op. The distribution of the big articulate lorries that have the big Co-op log, home delivery that supermarkets have all become involved in and personal banking. These activities will help bring more customers to the shop on a weekly basis as they offer more than the usual service. So the customers might now decide to come more frequently because they may be involved in personal banking. So variety of services offered will yet again optimise profits. AGRICULTURE This is very important activity for the Co-operative because activities for any supermarket include selling products such as fruit and vegetables. So Co-op relies on their members that are the farmers. As shops try to offer more variety to customers it would not be a good image if the shop had limited types of vegetables. There many different laws and acts that play a part in business activity as consumer protection has great powers over traders. FISHING- there involvement here will be because it relies on other sources for fresh fish.  FORESTRY- they may rely on farmers to give them plants and flowers  MINING COAL- this may be coal that is sold in supermarkets. This type of activity is indirectly involved with Co-op, as their activity is to sell products and services. But the products they sell do come from such agriculture firms so its important and the Co-op would rely on the business to bring certain needed products. So all three of these play a part in the Co-op activity. As the Co-op is quite small and if customers visit the store and see half the shelves empty it wont help customers from shopping there again. As variety would give the buyer more choice it would be important activity to include agricultur. MANUFACTURING This includes the equipment they use for products in store. As they will need shelf stack material, cleaning equipment. As the store is not very big it usually has everything delivered to store. So much manufacturing will take place out of the store. EMPLOYMENT STAFF MEETINGS As in any retail business its important to have human resources in this day and age. As running a business of this scale and ownership it would be easier to employ workers. Employment inside the shop will be tackled by a personnel manager and take care of this activity. Terms and conditions by law state workers must be trained so it would be the managers job to look into this and give if needed training. This may also be the rights of the employee including your holiday dates, sick pay, over-time. This as any other type of agreement needs to be signed by the employee and even the employer. This agreement has to be signed as contract for ale it would be working pretences. A regular activity for different managers, individuals giving and gaining feed back. In a meeting they would discuss mission statement for each sector and also talk about new and up rising development. It would be the managers job to structure and carry out meetings for each department, managers and employees. COMMUNITY EVENTS CHARITY SPONSORSHIP Participating in this activity would give the company a good name around the area they are in if they sponsor or have raised money for local charities. One of the most common fundraisers taken part annually by the Evington road shop is Children In Need. As they raised much money for the good cause. Participation in activities would unable a monopoly for the company as people would recognise the good deeds the Co-op has done and there is a good chance of the public visiting there stores. So these activities would be common but it wouldnt be tackled on a daily or weekly basis but would be done depending on what cause it is for. ENVIROMENTAL MANAGEMENT As charities and fundraisers are a good way to boost company figures and name environmental issues have the same effects if tackled right. But this is not necessarily true as it may enhance image in short term but it may also increase profits long term so its important to be involved in this as it would have short and long term affects.  In this section I will analyse the key factors to why location managers choose to locate their business in a particular area. I have broken the location facts into different sub-headings, as this would give a better insight to why location is chosen. BMW For BMW Ive chosen to look at a Leicester showroom, as it would help demonstrate and assess the reasons why BMW have situated them in that area.  INFRASTRUCTURE  As from observing the map it shows the showroom is located near busy motorway links reaching from Nottingham to south London. The area situated has much car drivers who will be consistently driving up and down the motorway and may spot the showroom. So the situated area is directly to the customers that it is trying to attract and by visiting the located area personally it is evident that the showroom is very big and can be seen for quite some distance. The location is easy accessible for customers who may want to visit the showroom and also being near the city centre it would not be very hard to find. It also allocated on the main road so passers-by would be able to see the showroom and cars on display. As its the only BMW showroom in Leicester it would not be very hard to find as not only being very big, or near major motorway links it is located near the city centre so there would be easy to find the showroom location. So the infrastructure around the location has played a part on deciding whereabouts would be good to locate the showroom and has tackled many of the major difficulties on easy accessibility and customer range. GEOGRAPHICAL FACTORS As the location is near the city centre it would not be far reach from most communities who may live near the city centre district. It would be in reach of city centre so people may decide to go have a look at the showroom before they head home. The area around the showroom has mostly retail parks attracting more customers into that area. This would also give monopoly to BMW, as other showrooms are not situated near that particular area. So this would not bring much rivalry for BMW minimising cost for frequent advertising and anything else that would help them keep above rivals in that located area. This would keep costs at a minimal because the less need frequent advertising and cut prices to keep above rivals so financially it would help keep the capital high. COST OF SITE The cost of the site would be fairly high as the location is near city centre but would not be as high. This location here is more well suited to attract customers, easy accessible for all customers as this is the only BMW showroom in Leicester. So this may have been a factor of placing the showroom in this area. The actual running cost of the showroom including gas, water electricity will be less expensive than plotting the showroom in the city centre. That would help keep running cost low and help spend money in other areas like refurbishment. If BMW ever decide to extend the showroom the price would differ than in the city centre. LABOUR This would not be a very important factor, as not many people need to be employed so this would not play an important factor for location. But the few workers who may need to come to work would not find it to hard as the area is accessible by frequent buses who run by that route to city centre. So there many means of transport that passes and comes by the location. PREMISIS Planning permission would not be a problem for the BMW showroom as the location is away from big public societies and housing but more importantly from city centre. The location advisor may of thought of the location to their advantage as they would not have much problems to extend in the near future if needed. That is another reason to why businesses always think of the future as well as the present as this would help the companys success rate.

Monday, November 25, 2019

How the US Federal Budget Process Is Supposed to Work

How the US Federal Budget Process Is Supposed to Work In the fiscal year 2018, the U.S. federal government budget committed to spending up to $4.09 trillion dollars. Based on estimated revenues totaling $3.65 trillion, the government will face a deficit of about $440 billion. Clearly, spending that much taxpayer money requires a carefully thought out and closely followed budget process. The ideals of democracy envision that the federal budget, like all aspects of the federal government, will speak to the needs and beliefs of the majority Americans. Clearly, that is a difficult standard to live up to, especially when it comes to spending nearly four trillion of those Americans’ dollars. To say the least, the federal budget is complicated, with many forces affecting it. There are laws controlling some aspects of the budget process, while other less well-defined influences, like those of the president, Congress, and the often-partisan political system play key roles in deciding how much of your money is spent on what. Over the years of government shutdowns, threats of government shutdowns, and last-minute resolutions passed by Congress to keep the government running, Americans have learned the hard way that the budget process actually operates in a far from perfect world. In a perfect world, however, the annual federal budget process begins in February, ends in October and goes like this: The President’s Budget Proposal Goes to Congress The President’s Budget Proposal informs Congress of the White House’s vision for the three basic elements of U.S. fiscal policy: (1) how much money the government should spend on public needs and programs; (2) how much money the government should take in through taxes and other sources of revenue; and (3) how large a deficit or surplus will result- simply the difference between money spent and money taken in. With much and often heated debate, Congress hacks away at the president’s Budget Proposal to come up with its own version, known as the Budget Resolution. Like any other piece of legislation, the House and Senate versions of the Budget Resolution must match. As a critical part of the budget process, the Congressional Budget Resolution sets spending limits on discretionary government programs for the next 5 years. Congress Creates the Annual Spending Bills The meat of the annual federal budget is, in fact, a set of â€Å"appropriations,† or spending bills distributing the funds allocated in the Budget Resolution among the various government functions. Roughly one-third of the spending authorized by any annual federal budget is â€Å"discretionary† spending, meaning it is optional, as approved by Congress. The annual spending bills approve discretionary spending. Spending for â€Å"entitlement† programs, like Social Security and Medicare is referred to as â€Å"mandatory† spending. A spending bill must be created, debated and passed to fund the programs and operations of each Cabinet-level agency. Per the Constitution, each spending bill must originate in the House. Since the House and Senate versions of each spending bill must be identical, this always becomes the most time-consuming step in the budget process. Congress and the President Approve the Spending Bills Once Congress has passed all of the annual spending bills, the president must sign them into law, and there is no guarantee that will happen. Should the programs or funding levels approved by Congress vary too greatly from those set by the president in his or her Budget Proposal, the president could veto one or all of the spending bills. Vetoed spending bills slow the process greatly. Final approval of the spending bills by the president signals the end of the annual federal budget process. The Federal Budget Calendar It starts in February and is supposed to be finished by October 1, the start of the government’s fiscal year. However, the federal budget process now tends to run behind schedule, requiring the passage of one or more â€Å"continuing resolutions† that keep the basic functions of government running and save us from the effects of a government shutdown.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

The influence , the importance of time management and Cooperative Essay

The influence , the importance of time management and Cooperative learning upon me as a teacher to be and the learners of EFL (Learning through group, pair work in classrooms) - Essay Example A teacher can manage time efficiently in a classroom by planning, reducing paperwork, preparation of routines, schedules and time table that eliminate waste of time and confusion, allocate independent assignment, use learning centers, prepare seatwork that allows the teacher to work in small groups and maintain an environment in classroom that enables student to have a smooth transition from one activity to another. Beginners and veteran teachers can increase their teaching time with efficient use of time by assessing factors that consume time and thereby teachers can increase their teaching time. A teacher can be a good classroom manager by delegating work to volunteers, aides and students and save the extra time for other valuable student related work (Time Management 2009). Time management enables a teacher to recognize the amount of time required to complete important tasks on a regular basis. Prioritization of activities is made simple and allocation of time for optional activities can be made through effective time management. This gives an opportunity to avoid unimportant tasks of lesser significance that consume more time and engage the teacher fruitlessly. Effective time management simplifies the schedules of the teacher and gives more freedom to accomplish the objectives of teaching with reduced stress. Well planned teaching schedule rescues the students from a poorly organized day at school. A teacher can keep the daily teaching routine under control by discussing time management issues with colleagues (Making time for success). Further, teachers are responsible for the success of students. The effective utilization of class time reduces the anxiety of teachers and enhances the performance of students. Teachers will have some extra time at the end of the class to reflect and review the topic learned during the class on a well organized day (Time Management 2008). The significance of a teacher’s lesson time management should not be

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

The essence of art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

The essence of art - Essay Example This is the major point in the insights of Arthur Danto, an art philosophy scholar, as revealed in his conversation with Suzi Gablik. Danto’s written work on the disenfranchisement of art brought about by the customary practice of what is deemed as an ‘enfranchising maneuver’ by placing art pieces in museums and galleries to make them readily acceptable as art. Basically being able to make divine something that is utterly banal. â€Å"What disenfranchisement does is to get art to internalize the idea that it’s not supposed to do anything. It doesn’t make anything happen† (Gablik, p.247). This is a noticeably true characteristic that is perceptible in the art world. The basic premise of what art must do is an abstract idea that many have written extensively about. To name a few widely acceptable notions, art must transform, it must translate beauty, it must evoke what is real in the world, and it should even move people to action would just be naming a few. But all of these, singularly or all taken together are really more ideas within the realm of possibilities and quite a few have actually turned them to reality. This brings us forth to the issue of advocacy in art. As one raised question in the talked about Whitney Biennial in the book, â€Å"When art has a social or political agenda or takes an activist stance, is its aesthetic quality or integrity compromised?† (ibid, p.267). This taking on an activist stance is blaringly obvious in the photographs of Terri Warpinski. The photography professor at the University of Oregon primarily takes scenes depicting nature and juxtaposed evidence of conflict in a number of controversial places. The photographs of Boyhood (two narratives) shows two pictures placed side by side both depicting the irony in the title and of the scene. The most striking on the left hand photo is the poster above the door of what could very well be a mosque or any other public place. In the post er, a boy at a relatively young age is confidently holding a high-powered gun raising it so that the ammunition points up. Another poster is on the lower left side of the picture with faces of men in a collage. Though the writings are unintelligible because they are in Arabic, they suggest an atmosphere of sinister assertiveness. It is also quite intriguing trying to decipher what the pictures mean and why are they posted especially since considering the scale, it can be concluded that they are substantially large. The second picture on the right is the one where the irony is very recognizable. In here we see the body of two older men who seem to be in an exchange, again a high-powered firearm, where the man holding it looks like he is the buyer and is testing its capability. The juxtaposition is in front of the two men where toys for children are displayed for sale in what looks like an ordinary market. The vividness of the pink, red and blue balloons hanging from the top along wit h the plastic balls and other items easily suggests there is something deeply wrong in this picture. What it denotes and consequently gives a chilling effect is that the man holding the gun could very well be buying it for his son and that instead of a balloon, a ball or some other knick knack for a toy, he opted to give him a real gun instead. The suggestive tone of Warpinski’

Monday, November 18, 2019

Diversification Strategies Southwest Airlines Assignment

Diversification Strategies Southwest Airlines - Assignment Example Corporate Culture The case study clearly indicates that Southwest Airlines’ corporate culture greatly differs from that of other airlines. As Bermont (2004, p. 101) points out, when other airlines focus on profit maximization, the Southwest Airlines specifically tries to provide its customers with funny flight experiences at affordable rates. Since the company prioritizes customer satisfaction, it provides passengers with several financial benefits that other competing airlines hesitate to offer. To illustrate, when other airlines began to charge for customers’ checked baggage, Southwest Airlines stood firmly against those kinds of additional charges. Instead of charging customers’ baggage, the firm integrated taglines saying ‘We Love Your Bags’ into its advertising campaigns (Boone & Kurtz, 2011, p. 237). These operational policies of the organization greatly impressed customers and, therefore, contributed to customer loyalty. The most distinguishin g feature of Southwest Airlines’ corporate culture is that it attaches specific importance to humor and energy from the time of its founder Herb Kelleher. The company management holds the view that if it can keep its employees happy, they, in turn, will ensure high quality services to their customers. According to the president Colleen Barrett, â€Å"Southwest likes to think of itself as a customer service organization that happens to fly airplanes†; and as per the company’s corporate culture, â€Å"servant’s heart† must be a necessary characteristic that every employee must possess (as cited in Boone & Kurtz, 2011, p. 237). The company management conducts group interviews to evaluate how their employees would interact with a customer. In contrast to other airlines, Southwest Airlines provides its employees with a common platform so as to express their opinions, attain education and training, and ultimately improve their performance. Thus the organ ization greatly fosters employee creativity. The Southwest management encourages its employees to be proactive and take decisions from the heart. As Southwest’s middle level managers, supervisors, and frontline employees are allowed to take decisions, passengers would not face any difficulty in obtaining timely and quality services. According to employees and passengers, a key factor that distinguishes Southwest’s corporate culture from others is that the organization holds a ‘heart’ (Boone & Kurtz, 2011, p. 238). How the Southwest’s Culture has benefited its Growth? While analyzing the company’s extensive corporate history, it is clear that the firm’s unique culture has benefited the airlines and its employees. High level customer loyalty, low cost, and employee empowerment are the major three ways that aided the organization and its employees. Firstly, strong customer loyalty helped the company to survive market difficulties includin g global financial recession of 2008. The case study clearly reflects that the company offers only reasonable fares to its customers and refuses to charge for additional services such as baggage. As Lovelock, Wirtz, and Chatterjee (2004) point out, Southwest’s convenient flight schedules are really helpful for passengers, because most of other airlines do not provide such flexible time schedules. Furthermore, the organization always strives to maintain cheerful services and a genuine interest in its passengers. Such positive

Saturday, November 16, 2019

The Concept Of The Afterlife Religion Essay

The Concept Of The Afterlife Religion Essay Throughout the history of man one of the biggest questions that haunt human existence is the question of the Afterlife. Is there a God? Is there a heaven or a hell? Do we have souls? And what happens to it once it leaves this earth and the physical body? The prospect of the unknown has brought about many different ideas and theories; each religion, culture and era has developed their own notions and set truths in order to explain what will happen once we die. In order to gain some understanding on this subject this paper will exam the four biggest religions; Christianity, Islam, Buddhism and Hinduism and how they explain the unknown and the divine plane beyond ours. Christianity In the Christian religion they believe in the concept that after physical death the soul maintains consciousness and there is an in-between state between death and the resurrection of the body. Another concept is that until the resurrection, which will happen during the Second Coming or the return of Jesus Christ also known as Judgment day, the spirit sleeps. These two ideas are divided into three main sects; The Catholic Church, the Orthodox Church, and Protestantism. Although all three of these groups are similar in that they believe that upon death the soul will face judgment for his or her actions while on earth, they each have their different perception of when and how it will happen. These in-between states mentioned above are classified into two planes, Heaven and Hell, within the New Testament. Even though Hades appears in both the New Testament and in the Revelation, to express the concept of hell, the idea of hell does not derive from the place in Greek mythology that is the underworld the place of the dead. This is due to the fact that it is a place that consists of the undead both good and bad. Therefore to better understand hell one talks about Tartarus a place in the underworld even lower than Hades were the wicked go. Hell is described to be a place or state, were souls who have not repented for their sins and/or have rejected Jesus Christ as their savior, suffer eternal damnation. In biblical teachings it is said that the soul passes into hell after God has judged them irredeemable for their actions while on earth. Hades also consist of Elysium, a utopia were those who have lived worthy lives go. This is known as the kingdom of God or Kingdom of heaven, discussed mostly in Revelations in the New Testament. It is considered a place or state that is inherited by the righteous a place of paradise and eternity with god. Although the literalness of heaven is debatable, it is said while on earth, Jesus often preached about the heven as a reward, a final destination, for those who have been virtuous and followed the word of his father. Christians believe that in the end of time Jesus Christ will rise again and all who have died will be resurrected for the Last Judgment. This is when the kingdom of God will be fully established; in Revelation 21 it states that an army of angels will come down from heaven to fight those who oppose God and reestablish Gods eternal reign over all of his creations. It is the final day ware the wicked will be punished and the righteous rewarded. Therefore those who want to be saved must repent for their sins and follow the teachings of Jesus Christ so that they can be with him after Judgment day. The Catholic Church believes that upon death those souls who have been saved do not go straight to heaven but go through a process of purification in purgatory in order to be cleansed before they can be in Gods presence. Souls who have not been saved however go straight to hell to be damned for all eternity. They also believe that those who have not been baptized cannot go to heaven for they commit original sin, but dwell in Limbo, if they have died without moral sin. Waiting for the Day of Judgment when Jesus will come back to earth to bring those souls to heaven. The Orthodox Church believes that both heaven and hell are in the same dimension, and one does not experience either separated from God, hell just like heaven is simply being with God although hell still means living in eternal damnation and suffering. According to the orthodox tradition God loves all human being including the sinners, therefore he does not cut anyone off from himself but instead those who go to hell are t hose who self-exclude themselves from everybody else .The Protestants believe that hell was created by God in order to punish the devil, and his fallen angels. It is believed that after judgment day those souls who did not seek deliverance from God while on earth would be sent to hell to be punished for their sins, which are most people. However unlike Martin Luther who believed that the soul stayed unconscious and slept after death, John Calvin, believed that souls maintain awareness after physical death and went straight to hell upon dying. He based this off of the fact that Protestants believed that because Jesus Christ had already paid for our sins on the cross, there should be nothing stopping ones soul from going straight into heaven or hell. Islam The description for life after death in the Islamic faith comes from the Quran, which states two main concepts for the afterlife or Akhirah, the oneness of God and the unavoidable day of resurrection, the Islamic Day of Judgment. Due to this In Islam human beings experience are broken down into four stages, the first two are mans experience on earth (1. the stage of the womb and 2. The stage of the mortal world). It is in these two stages that man is tested to determine his place in the afterlife. Muslims believe that God holds every human being whether they are Muslim or not accountable for their actions and deed while they live on earth. Therefore it is taught within Islam that the only purpose to life is the preparation for the afterlife and attaining a spot in paradise. In order to do this the Quran teaches that mans has to practice integrity and generosity to others and to devote ones self to Allah, the one and only God. Salvation only comes with the practice of moral and ethica l responsibility while on earth. The last two stages are mans experience once the spirit leaves its earthly body. The stage of the grave, known as Barzakh, is broken down into three events; the first is when the soul leaves the body, the second is the reflection of ones actions and endeavors while alive, and the third is a state of cold sleep where man awaits Judgment day. The final stage, the hereafter or rest of eternity comes after the Day of Judgment, when all human beings have been resurrected and judged in the eyes of God to either spend their eternal lives in Jannah (heaven or paradise) if they were virtuous or Jahannam (hell or spiritual state of suffering) if they were unrighteous or in denial of the truth of Allah. There are two different types of souls that are excluded from these stages and do not have to wait till Judgment day; the first are those who die fighting in Gods name, they are honored by immediately being allowed to rise to paradise by Gods side; and the secon d are those who are the enemy of Islam, they are punished by going straight to the spiritual plane of suffering. However, those who are sent to hell do have the ability to ascend to the spiritual state of heaven once they have been purified by Jahannam unless they are non-muslim or Kafir, then they are punished for eternity. Both Jannah and Jahannam have different levels within their own spiritual plane, each reserved, depending on how one was measure during their time on earth. Buddhism Due to the fact that Buddhism was born out of Hinduism it contains some of the same basic principles for the afterlife, such as rebirth after death (individual passing from one form to another) and karma (accumulated sums of ones good or bad deeds), along with the same end goal to escape the never ending cycle of reincarnation because life is suffering. This escape is only obtainable if one lets go of all their desires they hold on the earth using the Buddhist form of liberation or Nirvana. Nirvana is not a place or a state, but the end of rebirth, directly translated it means extinction, referring to the elimination of all ones desires, allowing one to become free from all earthy attachments. Buddhism diverts from Hindu beliefs on the subject of eternal souls, according to Buddha human beings do not obtain a soul. His doctrine of anatta explains that because individuals experience memories, impulses, traditions, desires and so on, they are deceived into thinking that they have souls because these attachments can be perceived as encompassing an ego. However this is not the case, humans are just a container of emotions and habits that are reused over and over again as the body is reincarnated life after life. Therefore in order to escape from the constant suffering that is existence humans need to purge themselves of their false self, leaving nothing to reincarnate hence being free of the cycle(8). The type of rebirth one may have depends on the how moral ones actions were in his or her previous life. For example if one projected negativity such as hatred or greed, committing physical or emotional harm to those around him or her, that person would be reborn into a lower realm (a.k.a animal, ghost, demon etc.). If one were to promote positive and constructive actions based on love, metta (kindness) and peace they would be reincarnated into a happy realm, becoming a person or arising into a heavenly realm in their next life. In death one need to stay aware of the dying process for as long as possible, because as one passes the thoughts that are experienced impacts either the state they are in after death, or if nirvana is not achieved, their next reincarnation experience. According to Tibetan Buddhism after death, the spirit goes through bardos (a limbo like plane were the individual waits till rebirth), this is made up of three different stages spread over forty-nine days. The first stage is called Chikai Bardo or the bardo of dying which can take from a half a day to four, after death, giving the deceased time to realize they have passed. In that moment of realization the spirit experiences a euphoric awareness of a clear white light. For those who are more spiritually intuitive this awareness last longer and will lead to a higher plane of truth. However for the average person this will not happen and their spirit will descend into a secondary state or clear light. In the second stage, Chonyid Bardo or bardo of Luminous mind. The individual will experience the backlash of the karma they had created during their life, facing vision of both serene and wrathful representations of human feelings. In order to achieve nirvana the spirit has to confront and navigate itself through these personifications free of harm. The third stage is the process of rebirth/reincarnation and it is called Sidpa Bardo or the bardo of rebirth. It is only the truly enlightened spirits that have shed all their earthly desires through nirvana that can skip the process of the three bardos and ascend directly to the dimension of paradise. Hinduism Like Buddhism Hinduism believes in reincarnation, however Hinduism sees the soul (atman) as immortal and eternal while the body is the one that undergoes constant birth and death. A soul goes through the process of reincarnation over and over again until it has fully developed and becomes perfect. Perfection however is not an easy feat, a soul has to enter many bodies live many different lives and have many different experiences. Only after this can a soul finally become part of the divine. For those soles that are never able to make the transformation to perfection, they will only be able to be one with god again through the process of great destruction. Destruction is needed in order to end the cycle of creation, which for Hindus only occurs once the individual spirit separates from the source. After the process of creation has occurred and the soul and true self has separated from the One, it conceals itself and becomes part of an uncivilized form that has both a jiva also known a s a false self, and an ego. Because of the ego the form is cursed with earthly attachments such as desires and urges. The Jiva and ego also suffer from delusions and ignorance, the soul having lost all of its knowledge of truth upon separating from God. For this reason they behave in a self-centered manner displaying characteristics that are both selfish and inconsiderate. It is because of this childish behavior, as though they are the only ones in the universe and are completely different from other beings that the soul suffers as it does. Upon death the jiva and soul survive this time period is seen as both a period of recuperation and learning. Before being reincarnated into another physical body the soul has to go through judgment based on its past lifes Karma. Depending on the morality of their past deeds along with how many other past births they have experienced, the jiva either goes to heaven or hell until they have been rewarded or punished enough for its past life actions. Then taking the knowledge that it has gained from this experience and ready to try again the jiva is prepared to be born again. It is through Karma that the true self slowly awakes within the jiva, because it teaches the jiva that good actions bring about positive results and bad actions pain therefore by making mistakes and learning from them the jiva will overcome its ignorance. This however takes time, therefore throughout the cycle of life the individual jiva experiences a limitless number of births and deaths also known as Samsara. The purpose for this is that each time a jiva is reborn it brings a little bit more knowledge from its time in between physical bodies helping it to gradually realize its unity with God and self. Each physical body it is born into, like in Buddhism, depends on its deeds in its previous life; therefore the jiva may be reincarnated into a lesser life or a higher life. It is not until the jiva has gone through a countless number of rebirths and lifetimes that it can begin to gain some awareness to the truths around it and seek higher forms of happiness. It is this self-awareness that will bring completely detached or want of earthly pleasures and desires that the jiva is in search for, because only then can it be completely liberated (moksha)from the constant cycle of death and birth. The afterlife allows for so many possibilities because no one truly knows what will become of them or their soul once they have passed on. Each of these religions explores different theories and philosophies and has come to their own ideas on the subject, however despite their differences one similar tenant does run through them. They all agree that in the afterlife one will be punished or rewarded based on their actions while on earth. Whether it is by a supreme being such as God while existing in another world (heaven or hell) such as the Christians and Muslims believe or through the correction mechanism like Karma that comes through being reincarnated in which the Buddhist and Hindus believe.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

My Personal Goals :: essays research papers

My Personal Goals The personal goal  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  s I want to achieve as a student at University of Phoenix is to receive a college degree and make my mother proud. I know once that has been achieved, my future prospects are limitless. I am a product of a parent who grew up on welfare, but not only obtained her Bachelor’s degree, but went back to school two more times to obtain her Doctorate of Education. Her mother sacrificed plenty to send her to college and my mother always knew the power of education.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As my sister and I were growing up we would always listen to my mother tell stories about how she had to walk about 10 miles to and from school, but she was never discouraged. She would also tell us about having to go to the cotton fields on some days to work and then go to school. My mother worked at a very early age and saved for college any time she had extra money to spare. With the money my mother saved for college, the college fund my grandmother set up, and a partial scholarship, my mother was able to attend Prairie View A&M University. She decided to go into nursing, because she enjoyed helping people. After 4 very hard years, my mother graduated magna cum laude from college. She told us that was the best day of her and my grandmother’s life. My grandmother told her she was so proud of her.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Eight months after my mother’s graduation, my grandmother passed away. My mother was devastated, but she knew she had to go on because it was what her mother would want. One year later, my mother got married and moved to Salt Lake City, Utah where she found a job as a pediatric nurse at the Children’s Hospital. She worked at the hospital about a year and then decided to go back to school to receive her Master’s degree. Her husband was not happy with her decision to do such a thing, and was not supportive of her at all. At that time my mother realized she had made the best choice to go back to school because it was apparent her marriage would not last.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  My mother graduated sum cum laude from University of Utah and was divorced shortly thereafter. The relationship became so strained while she was in school, by the time she graduated; she and her husband had grown far apart.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Human Resource Planning Process Essay

The ongoing process of systematic planning to achieve optimum use of an organization’s most valuable asset – its human resources. The objective of human resource (HR) planning is to ensure the best fit between employees and jobs, while avoiding manpower shortages or surpluses. The three key elements of the HR planning process are forecasting labor demand, analyzing present labor supply, and balancing projected manpower demand and supply. When a business becomes large enough, it must pay attention not only to the employees it needs to hire, but what kind of employees it is hiring and what skills it is giving them. Human resources planning is the strategy businesses use to link their vision, mission, and primary goals with the employees they hire for day-to-day processes. It involves both logistics and leadership skills. A company may have all the financial resources it may need. But what if the manpower employed to manage the finances isn’t well trained? Well, nothing more than your finances will be going down the drain. Most of the corporate frauds are a result of unethical and mismanaged processes. Improper human capital may create a numerical output, but not the desired one in terms of quality. Most of the time, the term human resource management is synonymously used with personnel management. However, the meaning is still the same. It involves, employing, developing, utilizing, managing and understanding the staff in an organization. Importance of HRM: Organizational Psychology holds that successful organizations do not owe their success solely to market realities and sustainable competitive advantages. Actually, there is a lot more. Successful companies are those that consider their human capital as their most important asset. Facts and figures are the quantitative elements of successful management, yet the qualitative, i.e. the cognitive aspects, are those that actually make or break an organization. Since the industrial revolution, the world has progressed tremendously. Be it the steel industry, IT, fashion houses or housing sectors, development in all of these is evident. However, over the ages man has indiscriminately used and abused the natural resources available to him. It has resulted in a global energy crises and depletion of resources in general. In this backdrop, what remains is an abundance of human resource, or let’s says human capital. To achieve any more goals, tapping the right kind of resource is the key. We may have a business house worth millions of dollars. But what if there isn’t the manpower that suits the nature of the business? Hence, developing the manpower is of utmost importance. The Process of HRM Planning: It demands the HR manager to first understand the business requirement. Only if he comprehends the nature and scope of the business, will he be able to employ those who will deliver the required performance. When it comes to engaging the manpower, the manager should have a keen eye for spotting the talent. It ensures that the workforce is competent enough the meet the targets. Additionally, the existing ‘talent pool’ in the workplace should be taken into consideration, so that people with complementary skills can be employed. The functions of the HR manager are varied; he has to assess the currently employed workforce and their shortcomings. Identifying these shortcomings goes a long way in choosing an efficient workforce. While recruiting the new employees, the HR manager must calculate the expected workload. This way the HR department can design an accurate job profile and job expectations. Once you have the decided job descriptions, looking for candidates who fit the job will be easy. Don’t be fooled by their qualifications, it is only the relevant experience that matters more. A good HR manager is one who has the zeal and passion to motivate his prospective employees to perform to their potential. This process, thus, can be considered as one of the strategic steps for building the strong foundation of an efficient workforce in an organization. HR Planning Process of my Organization The HRM System of my organization is very comfortable for me. We work like a Family. Our organization’s is a Family for all staff. The Vision of the organization is: The perpetuity of our existence is for the superiority of lives of our valued clients, and combining the quality, reliability & professionalism with the customers’ welfare has been the only business challenge for us. To achieve service excellence by providing global standard financial services at reasonable price and thereby contribute to the society creating exceptional value for our stakeholders. We do not undertake investments on projects that have been scientifically proven to be harmful to human society and the global environment. Our Human Resource Management system is well organized and it update day by day as required. Normally, Human Resources Managers handle personnel decisions, including recruiting, hiring, position assignment, training, benefits and compensation. There are various functions that the HR Department looks into. They are – Recruiting and hiring Promotions Determining salaries Handling leaves Reviewing and processing awards Handling retirements Worker’s compensation Policy making and implementing Training and development Drafting Policies Our organization follows certain policies and the HR department formulates these policies. It is the most important function of the HR department. All the policies need to be drafted taking into consideration the goals of our organization. Recruiting Procedure In the earlier day our organization gave Newspaper Advertising for recruiting new people but now a day world is going to be Internet Base, in that context our organization also using their Advertisement in for recruiting new and well experienced people. Its response is first and effective. I am also going to recruit in that procedure. So, I think it a well advertising media. HR Department Download CV and make a short list from those CV which our required match posts. Then make a communication (it sometime phone call or e-mail) with the candidate for Interview. Next face is to take a Written and a verbal test. The written test is based on English, Mathematics and IQ. Another part of test is a question paper is use for checking his/her mentality test. After successfully completing the written test those who are all qualified they get a call for a verbal test. Through this test checking his/her work experience, organizational behavior, personal behavior, overall his/her efficiency. Once he/she passes the entire test HR Department offer him/her 06 months Provisional Period Job through an Appointment Letter with all condition and a HR Manual. After successfully completion his/her provisional period he/she will be a Permanent Staff of PISL. But there is a condition that every staff must have to be renewal his/her job position in an Organizational Format. In that time if any of the staff is not renewal his/her contact of 1 year then organization will think that he/she will not interested to continue with us. Job Description Drafting The HR executive drafts the job descriptions that the people of the various designations of the organization is expected to perform. These job descriptions define all the qualities, skills and qualifications required for each designation. Background Checks It is the responsibility of the HR department to perform the background checks of all the employees that are appointed by the organization. The potential employees should also be thoroughly checked. Employee Records The HR department is expected to file all the details of the employees working in the organization. Each employee has a file of its own and these files are confidential. The job requires the executive to always keep these files updated. Employee Relations The HR department plays an important role in maintaining good employee relations within an organization. It is the department that takes into accounts the inquiries and issues faced by the employees. This is an important aspect of the job description and needs delicate handling. Performance Appraisal Annual performance reviews and appraisals are conducted by the HR department. Employee performance needs to be conducted accurately as the promotions and salary increase depend on these reviews. All the performance management records need to be maintained in the correct employee files. A performance appraisal is one of the important HR manager duties too. Training and Development All the employee training and development needs of the organization are handled by the HR department. It identifies the people who need to be trained, arrange for the training sessions and later take feedback to ensure that the training is implemented in the day-to-day work of the employee. Leave Management The HR department looks after the leave management of the employees. They need to maintain proper records of the number of leaves entitled to the employees, the leaves taken and the balance. It is also responsible for looking after the employees’ attendance and regularity. The HR department needs to update the leaves as per the changes in the laws too. Discipline & Decorum It is the unfortunate responsibility of the HR department to arrange for disciplinary action on the employees who are guilty of missing out too many days of work, not following the rules and regulations of the company and who refuse to follow the company policies. This will ensure that there is discipline in the organization. Safety The safety requirements of the organization are of paramount importance. It is the responsibility of the HR department to draft the safety policies to be followed by the organization and to implement them. Apart from the above, the human resource manager job description also include the following – The HR managers work closely with the company lawyers to sort out the corporate issues and suits filed against the organization. The HR managers are required to play an important part in the determination of the annual budget of the organization. The HR manager conducts the benefits, performance appraisals and the salary hikes, so he is in a position to determine the increase in the organizational spending. Any changes in the staffing of the organization needs to be handled by the HR manager. The HR manager is in charge of the employee motivation and needs to resolve issues which hinder employee performance. Working Environment WORK ENVIRONMENT is a place where an employee spends his or her more than a day which provides them which should be energetic, relaxing, friendly, atmospheric, green surroundings and also it should be very much comfortable for an employee to work in. In that context our organization’s working environment is so nice. Every staff is helpful to each other. Every department work is well organized so that there is no extra pressure for a staff. Managers is always take care of their under staff. They say that take your time for work but make it perfect. Our Customer Service Department is focusing on customer satisfaction; they deliver their best services on time and with high quality, accurate speed, safety and security. They are mainly customer-oriented. Level is the main thing which identifies the position which leads the responsibilities played by an individual. Level is given by a Human resource as per the qualifications of its employees. Culture is an important role in this organization and it always understands the culture and that’s why they advertise their brand and products by very good and very well done message appeal which spread over people. In the festive seasons they always distribute gifts to their employees’ customers’ suppliers in occasions like Bangla Nobovorsho, International Mother Language Day, Independence Day, Eid Day, New Year eve etc. They try to make their people realize about the culture which really send some positive energy and people feel the freshness and home in that beauty by this organization. Thus culture plays an important role. To continue with work and job that is to manage the duties and responsibilities effectively and honestly, the level is organized by the management so the work gets divided as the role means the specific job is done by the specific person and there are different levels. Benefits and compensation The area of Compensation and Benefits belongs to the most specialized areas in Human Resources Management. Compensation and Benefits usually plays the role of the HR Controlling, setting the rules and procedures around the salaries, variable pay and benefits. Compensation and Benefits is usually the function of HRM most connected with the competitors on the market and it sets the compensation policies, which are fully competitive on the job market, but the policies still meet the targets defined by the organization. The clear definition of processes in Compensation and Benefits is very important as the processes are under the attacks from the line management every single day. There is no a day without a pressure for the salary review at the individual employees and the rules and standards must be waterproof. Our Increment system is so update. It depend a employee’s full years different status like his work hour, working efficiency, extra work, environmental behavior (internal and external), approach with customer and his co-worker etc. Every term is defining some points and all total point indicates his increment and benefits. The correct base salary is very connected to the competitive salary issue. The correct base salary is the salary, which ensures: * the organization can hire a new employee at the requested level skills and competencies * the organization is able to keep the employee * the employee is motivated * the salary is felt as being fair The most important aspect is the fairness of the base salary to the employee, managers and the organization. Many organizations went through many organizational changes and the employees were moved from departments to completely different departments in the organization. After such an activity, the HRM Function has to be proactive and the overall organizational scan of the base salaries has to be conducted to revise the compensation policy of the organization. There are always employees, who are underpaid in their new position and employees, who are overpaid. The role of the HRM Function is make a clear picture of the organization, to present the situation to the Top Management of the organization and the conclusion has to be made. The Top Management has to receive a proposal from the HRM Function ensuring the situation will be sorted out by several actions and the time frame has to be agreed. Compensation Strategy is one of the most important strategies in the HRM Function as it influences the costs of the organization and potential bad decision can lead to very serious damages to the organization. The compensation and benefits strategy is derived from the overall HRM Strategy and it has to be fully aligned. When the HRM Strategy sets the main objectives for the HRM Function, the compensation and benefits strategy has to follow. When the overall HRM Strategy states the low cost of services and employees, the compensation and benefits strategy cannot target the highest salaries at all levels. The compensation and benefits strategy sets the general rules for the compensation and benefits area in the organization and the owners and leaders of the area. In some organizations, the compensation and benefits department is just a support department for the line management. In other organizations the compensation and benefits manager is a very powerful employee in the organization with the right â€Å"veto†. The compensation and benefits strategy sets the position of the organization on the job market and defines the items in the total cash in the organization and their role. The role of different components of the compensation is very important as the role of the compensation components can differ. For example, the role of bonuses can be primarily in performance reward or the retention of the employees and the organization has to decide. The compensation and benefits strategy has to reflect the reality in the industry and the surrounding job market. The compensation strategy can set the wish to pay the lowest possible salaries, but the HRM Function and the organization have to respect the reality on the job market. The compensation strategy needs a strong support from the top management as it sets strong limits to the daily operation of the line management and they usually do not fully agree with all the aspects included in the compensation and benefits strategy. Apart from these, there are several other areas where the human resources department plays an important role. Hence, the department is termed as a support department. In order to work efficiently for the employee welfare, it is mandatory that the people working with the human resources are aware of how to handle the above. Human resources are the assets of any organization. They need to be looked after as they are the reason for the company’s existence. Human resource is also one of the various functions in an organization. It is responsible for human resources management of the company. Thus, human resources become an important department and function of any organization. When you take up a job in the human resources, you are basically dealing with the policies and strategies followed by the organization for welfare of the employees (human resources).

Friday, November 8, 2019

Timeline of Roman Emperors and Common Groupings

Timeline of Roman Emperors and Common Groupings This list of Roman emperors goes from the first emperor (Octavian, who is better known as Augustus) to the last emperor in the West (Romulus Augustulus). In the East, the Roman Empire continued until Constantinople (Byzantium) was sacked in A.D. 1453. This takes you through the standard period of Roman emperors, from the end of the 1st century B.C. to the end of the 5th century A.D. During the second period of the Roman Empire, the Dominate - as opposed to the earlier period which was known as the Principate, there was an emperor at Constantinople as well as the one in the West. Rome was originally the capital of the Roman emperor. Later, it moved to Milan, and then Ravenna (A.D. 402-476). After the fall of Romulus Augustulus, in A.D. 476, Rome continued to have an emperor for almost another millennium, but that Roman emperor ruled from the East. Julio-Claudians (31 or) 27 B.C. - 14 A.D. Augustus14 - 37 Tiberius37 - 41 Caligula41 - 54 Claudius54 - 68 Nero Year of the 4 Emperors (ends with Vespasian)68 - 69 Galba69 Otho69 Vitellius Flavian Dynasty 69 - 79 Vespasian79 - 81 Titus81 - 96 Domitian 5 Good Emperors 96 - 98 Nerva98 - 117 Trajan117 - 138 Hadrian138 - 161 Antoninus Pius161 - 180 Marcus Aurelius(161 - 169 Lucius Verus) The next cluster of emperors is not part of a specific dynasty or other common grouping, but includes 4 from the year of the 5 emperors, 193.177/180 - 192 Commodus193 Pertinax193 Didius Julianus193 - 194 Pescennius Niger193 - 197 Clodius Albinus Severans 193 - 211 Septimius Severus198/212 - 217 Caracalla217 - 218 Macrinus218 - 222 Elagabalus222 - 235 Severus Alexander More emperors without a dynastic label, although it includes the year of the 6 emperors, 238.235 - 238 Maximinus238 Gordian I and II238 Balbinus and Pupienus238 - 244 Gordian III244 - 249 Philip the Arab249 - 251 Decius251 - 253 Gallus253 - 260 Valerian254 - 268 Gallienus268 - 270 Claudius Gothicus270 - 275 Aurelian275 - 276 Tacitus276 - 282 Probus282 - 285 Carus Carinus Numerian Tetrarchy 285-ca.310 Diocletian295 L. Domitius Domitianus297-298 Aurelius Achilleus303 Eugenius285-ca.310 Maximianus Herculius285 Amandus285 AelianusIulianus286?-297? British Emperors286/7-293 Carausius293-296/7 Allectus293-306 Constantius I Chlorus Dynasty of Constantine 293-311 Galerius305-313 Maximinus Daia305-307 Severus II306-312 Maxentius308-309 L. Domitius Alexander308-324 Licinius314? Valens324 Martinianus306-337 Constantinus I333/334 Calocaerus337-340 Constantinus II337-350 Constans I337-361 Constantius II350-353 Magnentius350 Nepotian350 Vetranio355 Silvanus361-363 Julianus363-364 Jovianus Here are more emperors without a dynastic label.364-375 Valentinianus I375 Firmus364-378 Valens365-366 Procopius366 Marcellus367-383 Gratian375-392 Valentinianus II378-395 Theodosius I383-388 Magnus Maximus384-388 Flavius Victor392-394 Eugenius 395-423 Honorius [Division of the Empire - Honorius brother Arcadius ruled the East 395-408]407-411 Constantine III usurper421 Constantius III423-425 Johannes425-455 Valentinian III455 Petronius Maximus455-456 Avitus457-461 Majorian461-465 Libius Severus467-472 Anthemius468 Arvandus470 Romanus472 Olybrius473-474 Glycerius474-475 Julius Nepos475-476 Romulus Augustulus

Wednesday, November 6, 2019

To Kill a Mockingbird Summary

To Kill a Mockingbird Summary Published in 1960, To Kill a Mockingbird is one of the best novels of the 20th century, and it tells the story of small-town racism, moral courage, and the power of innocence that has influenced several generations’ ideas about justice, race relations, and poverty. To Kill a Mockingbird is narrated by Jean Louise Finch, a 6-year-old girl usually referred to by her nickname, Scout. Scout lives in Maycomb, Alabama with her brother Jem and her father Atticus, who is a widower and a prominent attorney in town. The novel opens in 1933 when the town- and the entire country- is suffering the effects of the Great Depression. A young boy named Dill Harris arrives with his family for the summer and immediately forms a bond with Scout and Jem. Dill and Scout agree to get married, but then Dill spends more time with Jem than her, and Scout begins to regularly beat up Dill as a way of forcing him to honor their betrothal. Boo Radley The three children spend their days and nights pretending and playing games. Dill becomes interested in the Radley Place, a house on the Finch’s street where the mysterious Arthur Boo Radley lives. Boo does not leave the house and is the subject of much rumor and fascination. When the summer ends, Scout must attend school and does not enjoy the experience. She and Jem walk past the Radley house every day to and from school, and one day Scout discovers that someone has left presents for them in a hollow of a tree outside the Radley house. This continues throughout the school year. When summer comes around again, Dill returns, and the three children pick up where they left off, play-acting the story of Boo Radley. When Atticus realizes what they’re doing, he tells them to stop and to think of Arthur not as a figure of fun, but as a human being. The children are chastened, but on the last night before Dill goes home again, the children sneak into the Radley house. Nathan Radley, Arthur’s brother, is enraged and shoots at the intruders. The children scramble to escape and Jem loses his pants when they become caught and torn. The next day Jem goes to retrieve the pants, and finds they have been sewn and cleaned. Jem and Scout return to school and find more presents in the tree. When Nathan realizes that Boo is leaving them gifts, he pours cement into the hollow. One evening their neighbor Miss Maudie’s house catches fire and the community organizes to put it out. As Scout stands shivering to watch the flames, she realizes someone has slipped behind her and put a blanket over her shoulders. She is convinced it was Boo. The Tom Robinson Trial A terrible crime rocks the small town: a black man with a crippled arm named Tom Robinson is accused of raping a white woman, Mayella Ewell. Atticus Finch reluctantly agrees to defend Robinson, knowing that otherwise he will not get anything close to a fair trial. Atticus experiences anger and pushback from the white community for this decision, but refuses to do less than his best. Jem and Scout are also bullied because of Atticus’ decision. At Christmas the Finches travel to Finch’s Landing to celebrate with relatives. Calpurnia, the family cook, takes Jem and Scout to a local black church, where they discover that their father is revered for his decision to defend Tom, and the children have a wonderful time. The next summer, Dill is not supposed to come back but rather to spend his summer with his father. Dill runs away and Jem and Scout attempt to hide him, but he is soon compelled to go home. Atticus’ sister, Alexandra, comes to stay with them to look after Scout and Jem- especially Scout, who she insists needs to learn how to act like a young lady and not a tomboy. A mob of angry people come to the local jail intending to lynch Tom Robinson. Atticus meets the mob and refuses to let them pass, daring them to attack him. Scout and Jem sneak out of the house to spy on their father and are there to see the mob. Scout recognizes one of the men, and she asks after his son, who she knows form school. Her innocent questions embarrass him, and he helps to break up the mob in shame. The trial begins. Jem and Scout sit with the black community in the balcony. Atticus puts up a brilliant defense. The accusers, Mayella Ewell and her father Robert are low-class people and not very bright, and Atticus demonstrates that Bob Ewell had been beating Mayella for years. Mayella propositioned Tom and attempted to seduce him. When her father walked in, she made up the story of rape to save herself from punishment. The wounds that Mayella suffered that she said Tom inflicted would not be possible because of Tom’s crippled arm- in fact, the wounds were inflicted by her father. Bob Ewell is surly and angry that Atticus has made him a fool, but despite these efforts, the jury votes to convict Tom. Tom, despairing of justice, tries to escape from jail and is killed in the attempt, shaking Scout’s faith in humanity and justice. Bob Ewell feels humiliated by Atticus, and begins a campaign of terror against everyone involved, including the judge in the case, Tom’s widow, and Scout and Jem. On Halloween, Jem and Scout go out in costume and are attacked by Bob Ewell. Scout cannot see well due to her costume and is terrified and confused. Jem is badly injured, but Boo Radley suddenly rushes to their assistance, killing Bob Ewell with his own knife. Boo then carries Jem to the house. The sheriff, recognizing what has happened, decides that Bob Ewell tripped and fell on his own knife, declining to investigate Boo Radley for the killing. Boo and Scout sit quietly for a while, and she sees that he is a gentle, kind presence. Then he returns to his house. Jem’s injury means he will never be the athlete he hoped to be, but will heal. Scout reflects that she now can see Boo Radley as Arthur, a human being, and she embraces her father’s moral view of the world despite its imperfections.

Monday, November 4, 2019

Thomas Green case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Thomas Green - Case Study Example These played no small part in him getting noticed by the division vice president Shannon McDonald who eventually selected him for position of Senior Market specialist, bypassing the decision of his immediate boss Frank Davis. While not stated explicitly in the case, the understatement was that this decision could have set a negative tone in Davis and Green’s relationship from the start as Davis’ authority was undermined. This becomes an important point as the first few months of Green’s new job are filled with manager-employee conflicts leading to a threat to his job. Throughout the case we can identify several specific areas of Management principles which had the most influence in Green’s performance and his Marketing director’s dissatisfaction with his work and the tensions which arose. An organization culture refers to a set of shared values, customs and work style which is followed within any organization. The cultural aspects may be on the surface or deep level but they are accepted by employees and created according to the principles set by the top management. From the start, it seemed Green was unaware or unwilling to follow the set culture after his new promotion. From the case we get the evidence that a lot of importance was given to documentation, use of visual media and constant interaction between employees and supervisors in the department. The company prefers programmed decisions with the correct information, facts and data available for customer presentations- it is not a culture which would supports innovation and out-of-the-box thinking without the approval of your boss and some concrete data to support the process. These things were made clear to Green in the very first week of his work when he had several meetings with Davis who explained to him that while his ideas were good, what was expected was that there would be proper research and figures included when these ideas were presented to the clients. However, as we see in

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Substance dualism is necessary for beings to have free will Essay - 1

Substance dualism is necessary for beings to have free will - Essay Example Since the mind is not physical, it cannot be bound by physical laws that govern the body, thus, beings are free not only to do as they please, but also to do otherwise than they usually do. In this respect, responsible human actions are not related to mechanical causation as presupposed by materialism, the philosophical belief that humans are physical beings whose motions are bound by laws of physics (Wartick). A strong sense of free will is supported by dualism, unlike other philosophical thoughts such as materialism because, according to Descartes, humans have an infinite will to act involuntarily and to be held accountable for their actions, and an understanding capable of showing those clear and distinct perceptions. This paper proposes that substance duality is necessary for individuals to have a free will, not only to do as they please, but also to do contrary to their conventional ways by building a strong case for duality and disqualifying contrary opinion. Intentionality, of ten referred to as the ‘of-ness’ or ‘about-ness’ of mental states is undoubtedly the strongest argument in favor of dualism (â€Å"Case for dualism†); physical objects are spatial and have specific shapes unlike mental states such as thoughts and senses that are non-spatial. However, physical objects cannot be about or of each other because ‘about-ness’ or ‘of-ness’ is exclusively a mental phenomenon that is not within the physical realms, therefore, the lack of an equivalent of the intentionality phenomenon in the physical reality is a strong case for duality. On the contrary, mental states have ‘about-ness’ and ‘of-ness’; for instance, if one thinks that a certain painting is beautiful, then it means that the individual’s thought that the painting is beautiful is about the painting and cannot be reduced to any conceivable physical fact about the individual’s mind. Additionally, the f act that the individual’s thought that a painting is beautiful is about the painting cannot be identified with their disposition to react in certain ways like exclaiming and marveling verbally after viewing the painting. In this respect, an individual’s thinking is beyond the mere predisposition or tendency to act in certain ways because if that was not the case then it would automatically imply that individuals would never be aware of what they were thinking about until and after a corresponding behavior has been manifested physically. The implication for this intentionality argument, therefore, is that intentional mental states are purely holistic in nature and are not dependent on any physical manifestation, and because of its intentionality, the mind is very distinct from material non-mental things that are purely physical and mechanical in nature. In this respect, since no physical phenomenon has that aspect, intentionality is not a construct of the physical world , but a mental phenomenon; the absence of a counterpart feature in physical materialism proves that it is possible for the mental to exist separately, unaffected by the physical. Following this intentionality argument, dualism provides strong case for free will because then it implies that individuals have a limitless capacity to think on their own accord and to act on their own accord as well, voluntarily. The intentionality feature makes a great case for the argument that the mind and the body are purely

Thursday, October 31, 2019

Case Study Questions on Kimpton Hotels Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Questions on Kimpton Hotels - Case Study Example Each is individually designed to reflect the energy, personality, and pulse of its distinct location, history, and architectural style. Featuring highly personalized guest services, comforting in-room amenities, and one-of-a-kind specialty rooms and suites, Kimpton Hotels attract travelers with welcoming atmospheres that embrace its signature elements of care, comfort, style, flavor, and fun. Kimpton takes pride in its social responsibility, supporting select like-minded partners and is a leader in ecological practices. Kimpton Hotel serves their customer through their fundamental elements of Care. They try to ensure that this attitude of caring is reflected in each and every staff member to bring about a lasting and satisfying relationship with every customer. Service and caring-it's an attitude. They are very careful about the customer needs and their services. Comfort: The Kimpton offers the customer through the plush, cozy spaces with luxurious amenities for our guests to relax and rejuvenate. In trying to anticipate the customer's needs, wants or preferences, their intention is to see that guests are made to feels at home. Style: The Kimpton Group ensures that each of their locations are unique combining elegance with the whimsical. They design their hotels with the help of top quality designers and architects. They usually purchase existing property and modify it according to their needs rather than build entirely new building. Flavor: Imaginative and fun restaurants and lounges, which feature highly capable chefs that are favored by both locals and travelers. Fun: Fun and enjoyment is a favored theme and necessary activities are made available to see that customers... a. Business Philosophy and it adherence: An organization’s business philosophy can comprise of four components namely Vision, Mission, Culture and Values. This hotel group has a well defined business philosophy covering all the four components mentioned above. It vision is based on personal growth of its employees coupled with organizational growth. Its mission is equally praiseworthy and it is to getting new customers and keeping them for life. The same philosophy holds good for their employees as well. Culture is based on creating as atmosphere self leadership, creativity, performance and development. Values are based on creativity, passion, personality, focus and a system of continuous improvement. Even though many organizations have similar business philosophies, the hotel group has the ability to adhere to it. b. Treating guests as individuals: The Company takes great efforts to individually recognize and threat guests. They also have the software called Guestware to identify any guests who have once checked in before. c. Creating an ambience that is comfortable as well as fun. d. Unique architecture that is both whimsical and artistic. This is further made possible by the practice of purchasing existing buildings for their new hotels which enables them to have unique architectural styles for all their properties. e. Cost savings by following the above practice. f. Smaller number of rooms enables staff to extend more personalized service. g. A highly creative workforce on all their properties.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Sarans Essays Essay Example for Free

Sarans Essays Essay The ancient ideal the Greeks in ancient times and education the tendency today job oriented education the drawbacks of specialization education for livelihood. The ancient ideal of education was that education should be for life and not for livelihood. Knowledge was regarded as an end in itself and not a means to an end. The ancient ideal of education was a liberal one. Students were required to make a study of a variety of subjects, so that they could make a comparative study and develop their judgement and critical faculty. Knowledge was looked upon as a valuable possession which one had to try to acquire with much trouble and difficulty. Ancient scholars thought nothing of travelling to distant, lands to drink at the fountain head of knowledge. They would seek learned teachers and become their willing disciples. The ancient Greeks held the view that education had to help a man to have a balanced and well-integrated personality. It had to help him to achieve harmony within his own being by attaining a balance of body, mind and spirit. It had also to help him to achieve harmony with his environment and his fellow human beings. Education for life is meant to make a man liberal, tolerant and broad minded in his outlook. The tendency today, however, is towards providing for a Business Education or an Education for Livelihood. Todays education is a job oriented education. As a result of this, many Business Colleges have sprung up which are supposed to train people for particular jobs. The knowledge imparted in these colleges is rather limited in scope. It is restricted to whatever is connected with a special profession or trade. Though specialization is supposed to lean to thoroughness and efficiency, it has its own drawback. The students who go in for a Business Education become narrow minded. They lack tolerance and the ability to understand anothers point of view. They study everything from the view point of usefulness and not for aesthetic pleasure. They may not be able to relax and enjoy a book for its own sake if it has no connection with their trade or profession. They may never be able to enter and enjoy the magic regions of art and literature. Education for livelihood does not encourage a student to think for himself and to develop his creative and critical faculties. As his field of study is very narrow, he does not have a chance to make a comparative study, to judge the merits and demerits of other subjects.